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MatterX Frequently Asked Questions


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Is MatterX a Microsoft product?

Is MatterX affiliated with Microsoft?

Who supports MatterX products?

Platform Availability and Deployment

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Where are MatterX solutions hosted?

In which regions are MatterX solutions available?

How reliable is the MatterX platform?

Performance and Scale

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How does MatterX handle performance at scale?

Can MatterX support a large number of users and transactions?


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How does MatterX ensure data security?

What measures are in place to secure against data breaches?

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

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How does MatterX ensure data security?

What disaster recovery options are available?


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Are MatterX solutions compliant with legal industry standards?

How does MatterX handle data security?

System Updates

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How are updates to MatterX solutions managed?

What is included in a MatterX update?

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